かき揚げそば!Deep Vegetables with Buckwheat noodlesの英語レシピ【ニノさん】


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Deep Vegetables with Buckwheat noodlesの材料

  • 20g carrot
  • onion
  • 4 stalks of Japanese parsley
  • 1 prawn
  • 1 scallop
  • 1 Tbsp of flour


  • 1 egg
  • 100ml of water
  • 60g of flour
  • 2 of cloves ice


  • 2 Tbsp of soy sauce
  • 2Tbsp of sweet cooking rice wine

Deep Vegetables with Buckwheat noodlesの作り方

  1. Cut 20g carrot and onion into thin slices.
  2. Take 4 stalks of Japanese parsley out of a bunch and cut them to about 3cm long.
  3. Cut 1 prawn and 1 scallop into 4 equal pieces.
  4. Put it in a bowl with 1 and coat it with 1 Tbsp of flour.
  5. Heat the salad oil to 180℃ in a pan.
  6. Add all the ingredients of A into another bowl and mix well.
  7. Boil a bunch of buckwheat noodles for 3 minutes, wash with cold water and them drain.
  8. Pour 300ml of soup stock into another pot and heat it over medium heat, Add B, boil it.


かき揚げそば!Deep Vegetables with Buckwheat noodlesの英語レシピ【ニノさん】」への1件のフィードバック

  1. ピンバック: 麻婆ナス!Spicy Eggplantの英語レシピ【ニノさん】 | by myself 〜今日の気になる気になる記〜
